موقع جريدة صوت العرب اللندنية الصادرة في لندن موقع جريدة صوت العرب اللندنية الصادرة في لندن

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Who is the woman of resilience?

 Who is the woman of resilience? Her name is Shahla Abdul-Karim Aziz Awad Al-Kazemi, she was born in the Syrian Arab Republic in 1983. She is married and has three children, from an Iraqi father and an Iranian mother. She has a Ph.D. She speaks twenty languages ​​other than Arabic, eloquent in the tongue. She is an international dictionary and lexicon. Her literary qualifications are writing poetry, story, and political and literary articles. Her books are: Diwan of Thoughts of Death Diwan of the Alleys of Pain Diwan of the Side of Pain Diwan of Hymns of Shahla Diwan Diwan of Lost Diwan of a Pen ink of Blood Diwan Souls torn their shroud Diwan of silent death Diwan of departure Diwan of crying and screaming Diwan This is how Shahla wrote Diwan of Revolution of Sorrows Book of Philosophy of Death Diwan of notebooks of my sorrows I was born from a very educated family embracing literature and poetry. In many Russian, British and Swedish newspapers, and in all languages, she worked on Radio Tehran, the Arabic section, at the beginning of her media career, “They planted and we ate, and we planted and they ate.” O her father, the love of literature, the qualities.. She does not know the meaning of hatred and hatred and love for all. She treats man with his humanity and not with his religion. They call her (the Queen of Sad Sorrow) because of her writings in the pattern of sadness in most of her poems. She moved with her family from Syria to Iran to Moscow, where her father was an opponent of Saddam’s regime. She was distinguished by a kind heart. She was nicknamed "Flower of the University" in Tehran. She has many articles on literary, political and social affairs. She is a few words and a lot of giving. Director of the Art of Literary Arts magazine, a designer of a special style. It has been published for her in many Arab newspapers. Her current residence is Tehran..Moscow now works in her father's institution, Dr. Al-Kazemi, for a certain period, suffered a heart attack after hearing the news of the assassination of her mother and daughter Malak and her husband, and so far she is ill and suffers from a heart condition. Her poems are characterized by the nature of hidden sadness, most of the vocabulary she uses is very eloquent, coming from the data of the classical Arabic language. She paints her paintings with brushes of tears to embody a tragic painting dressed in the dress of grief that simulates the bitter reality that she experienced, weaves it with golden threads embroidered on the carpet of Arabic literature, sipping refreshing drops from pure sources. The fresh sources, with high degrees in the history of creativity, symbols and lofty inspirations for them all wrote the book The Philosophy of Death and it was a book of a special kind in which all its imprints were placed in eternal life after the transition of man to the other world and it is now under study and research in several global centers, not knowing the setbacks Disappointments and disasters stand in full swing in the most difficult difficulties, making their mark in the age of speed, in the age of digital upheaval, in the age of social media, trying to destroy, and defeat the sadness that goes along with it. For every letter published in its pioneering magazine, which made it echoes in the Arab world, soaring to stardom as a permanent moon.

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